As Salaam Alaykuna
Hey yall ! So if you have read my first blog than you know how my journey began , so lets continue on bi'ithnillah.
Now at the age 32 I began to seek out knowledge about Islam on a daily basis. With so much information out there, From different secs of Muslim's to prohibitions and obligations. I became overwhelmed. I was on my own and didn't have any Muslim friends or family to help me along the way, but it didn't stop me from wanting to become Muslim. Even though the information was a lot to consume all at once from the different books I was reading, I knew I wanted to take my Shahadah. I knew I wanted to be Muslim, it just made sense.
Aug 2013 my father's brother reached out to me from prison and told me he was coming home soon. I haven't seen him in 8 years, he was my favorite uncle. The day he came home was September 2, 2013, I was shocked to see him. He looked different everything about him changed, He was Muslim. He didn't know that I had recently feel in love with Islam. I knew it was a sign from Allah. It was Qadr which reminds me of the verses ( " Indeed all things were created with predestination" 54:49) Look how Allah knowledge is vast and Allah knows what we know not. I told him I wanted to take my Shahadah. He was soooo happy. He said let's do now. I was happy and nervous at the sametime. That same night I became Muslim, I learned the greatest versus in the Quran Surah Al Fahtiah. I had a serious zeal to learn Alhamdulillah Allahumma Barrik. The feeling was unexplainable, that night was soooo beautiful.
The next few days after my Shahadah i felt brand new. I haven't began to cover yet, but I was happy. I wanted to cover but the city I lived in didn't and still do not have any stores for Muslims subhanallah. There was an old Indian couple who had a small store downtown that sold a lil bit of Islamic items. So, I went there and I was able to get a black Abaya, and scarf. I Put on the next day and never took it off Alhamdulillah. At first, I only covered my hair. I was nervous to go to work and reveal my newfound faith, but I did with the strength and permission from Allah. My immediate family accepted it well. It was my older family members who were kind of ignorant to the religion, and its beliefs. My grandmother asks me why I did, and I explained my reason. Her response was you don't have to wear all that stuff you not over there. Referencing to Saudi Arabia or other Muslim countries.
As months passed on I studied more and more and i fell in love with Islam more and more. It really changed my life. From the lifestyle of being in a dark place with battling my boyfriend murder, abusive babyfather, living in poverty-stricken area. To having peace in my soul. Knowing why I was created, knowing if I do the right things can have peace for enteral Life. Understanding my position as a woman, mother, daughter, sister, friend, companion and most importantly as servant of Allah. Guidance is from Allah and I have sooo much gratitude for Allah guiding me in sense guided my children Alhmadulillah.
Allah says in the Quran " The truth is from your lord then whosoever wills , let him believe and whoever will let him disbelieve" Al Kahf 18:29
Next : The truth of The Misconception That your life is lonely in the religion of Islam.